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Our workforce management solution, Field Force Management (FFM), is flexible solution for businesses operating remotely with a sales focused workforce. With this digital solution, a myriad of official processes are digitized, in effect, optimizing the entire business. Our cloud-based application that allows managers to monitor productivity and efficiency. The worker’s movement on the field is also tracked, hence providing real-time data accessibility and competent location tracking. With these constant updates, organizations are provided with a revolutionary tool that yields information needed to produce strategies and ultimately increase efficiency. Field Force Management is essential for sales representatives and on-site workers allowing managers to track an employee’s working hours, breaks, as well as the geographic location of the employee. 

Smart Track

Get access to an Android application that provides GPS tracking. All information gathered is backed up.

Cell Track

This GSM based tracking system gives your business access to track the location of your employee.

Journey Playback

This feature allows you to replay the journey of your employee, and aids in pointing out the extra breaks that might be taken.


Optimize your salesforce

By monitoring your workforce, you can identify which employees need more support in their operations and give recognition and acknowledgement to those who are working well.

Refine strategies and reduce costs

Create more systematic and profitable routes by using features such as ‘Journey Playback’ to analyze your existing routes. 

Web-based reports

Create hierarchies and keep a track of your employees with up-to-date reports accessed from web-portals by your managers.

Safety and control

The cloud-based application is protected from viruses and hackers, ensuring your company’s data is completely secure. With geofencing, live location statistics, real time alerts, and defined red zones, ensure that your employees are safe by getting alerts when your employee leaves their delegated vicinity.

How it works

  • Step 1
    Step 1

    The Field Force Management application is installed into the mobile phones of the entire workforce.

  • Step 2
    Step 2

    The app, furthermore, utilizes the built-in GPS system to track an employee’s location and route.

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