Myth 1: “International Roaming is too expensive”
The simple fact is that data roaming is not as expensive as one may believe it to be.
It is not untrue that many consumers receive bill shock due to roaming transactions, which is almost a global phenomenon, but it is avoidable. Therefore, it is important to understand how roaming works.
The charges and packages are based on roaming agreements between operators, where companies sign agreements with foreign operators as their partner networks. This is why it is important to research about the rates that the partner networks are offering in the destination country.
Rational business customers need to be on their toes to know which international roaming offer is the best on their route, and researching that information is easier than you thought. Most quality carriers would reach out to you to offer you the most cost-effective solution, even recommending the right package with their partner network to ensure low tariff.
Myth 2: “Wi-Fi is available everywhere, I’ll just use that”
A common sense approach appears to be that whatever the package, and with the insatiable demand for data by our smartphones – the safer option is to stick to Wi-Fi connections in the country one is traveling to.
Worst of all these networks are often unsecured and your usage can possibly be monitored by someone present in your newly acquired network. For an average person using 250MB of data a day, in addition to downloads and business presentations, this option does not suffice.
Myth 3: “I’ll just buy a SIM when I get there”
Admit it. There’s a chance you barely understand the details of your SIM connection back home. Buying a new SIM in the country you travel to, is a big risk. You are unaware of the costs involved, let alone taxes.
On a limited timeline already, every second counts and to get registered for a new mobile account is a time-consuming process.
If one gets lucky, they might find a moderately paced Wi-Fi connection from their new SIM that may only take a few hours to download the presentation you have to deliver in half an hour. But what these alternatives lack is a steady, fast and convenient connection to your email, right at the safety of your hand.
It makes sense to avoid bill shock when it comes to data roaming. But giving the service up just to avoid the bill sounds like throwing the baby out with the bath water. The solution is to talk to your operator and find out more about how you can minimize the probability of bill shock (hint: do check out simplified data roaming rates by Jazz).
Because you are simply better off with remaining connected to a data service you don’t have to scramble for right after you land.
So there’s absolutely no reason why you should be concerned about using data roaming abroad. With the right research (and the right network!), you can stay connected with work, friends and family while on the go.