Postpaid VIP Call
  • Subscription Fee Rs.20 + tax/ Month
  • Subscription Code Dial *847# or Send ‘SUB’ to 847
  • Validity Monthly
  • Unsubscribe Dial *847# or SMS ‘UNSUB’ to 847

VIP call service allows you to manage incoming calls on your number. With VIP, you will get calls from desired callers only and transfer others to a designated personal secretary number. Only people having your VIP Pin code can get connected with you. By default all calls will be routed to subscriber number. For VIP call service activation user needs to send “VIP ON” to 847 or by dialing *847#.

Subscribe to VIP Call Service and share the pin code with friends and family whom you want to contact you directly.

VIP Call Service ON/OFF procedure:

By default all calls will be routed to subscriber’s number. To turn on VIP call service, user needs to send “VIP ON” to 847 or by dialing *847#. Now user will only receive calls form whitelisted numbers. To turn off VIP call service, user will use “VIP OFF” command or by dialing *847#. By Using “VIP ON” and “VIP OFF” commands user will be able to control his/her incoming calls without unsubscribing the service.

Personal secretary:

If you don’t want to miss out on your important calls, you can assign any Jazz number as a Personal Secretary who will be taking calls on your behalf for those who do not have the pin.

Send ADD PS to 847 or dial *847# for adding any Jazz number as personal secretary. You can enable or disable personal secretary calls routing any time as per your convenience via USSD *847#. For more information send “Help” to 847.

Whitelisting/ Blacklisting:

You can use whitelisting and blacklisting feature to maintain the list of numbers whom you want to take calls from or to restrict respectively.

You can use the following commands for service usage:

Description Command
Subscription Command SUB
Un-subscription Command UNSUB
Command to enable the service VIP ON
Command to disable the service VIP OFF
Command to add number in Whitelist ADD WL NUMBER
Command to delete number in Whitelist DEL WL NUMBER
Command to add number in Blacklist ADD BL NUMBER
Command to delete number in Blacklist DEL BL NUMBER
Command to view Whitelist VIEW WL
Command to view Blacklist VIEW BL
Command to remove all numbers from Whitelist DEL WL ALL
Command to remove all numbers from Blacklist DEL BL ALL
Command to share Pin code with any number SHARE PIN NUMBER
Command to reset Pin code RESET PIN
Command to activate Don’t Disturb mode DND ON
Command to deactivate Don’t Disturb mode DND OFF
Command to add number as personal secretary ADD PS NUMBER
Command to activate personal secretary PS ON
Command to deactivate personal secretary PS OFF
Command to delete personal secretary number DEL PS MSISDN
Command to get help menu HELP

Users subscribed to VIP Call service cannot subscribe to IR (International roaming), ICS (Incoming calls screening), Jazz Caller Name and My Status services on their numbers.

What is VIP call service?

VIP call service allows you to manage calls for a specific number, i.e. getting calls from desired callers only and transferring others to a designated number. People can’t call on your number without your consent i.e. knowing your password. You can transfer calls to manager/secretary.

How can I subscribe to the VIP call service?

You can easily subscribe to this service by sending SUB to 847 or by dialing *847#. Once subscribed, you can dial *847# again to use other features of the service.

How can I enable and disable VIP call service without un-subscribing the service?

To turn on VIP call service, user needs to send “VIP ON” to 847 or by dialing *847#. To turn off VIP call, user can use “VIP OFF” command or by dialing *847#.

Can I use this service even when I don’t have a balance?

Yes, you can use this service.

Who can subscribe to VIP call service?

All Jazz customers can subscribe to VIP call service.

Who can use Do not Disturb feature without subscribing this service?

Only Jazz prepaid customers can use DND feature without subscribing this service.

What are the charges of this service?

Subscription charges:

· Prepaid (champion & Non champion) Rs. 2.3 (Incl. Tax)/Day

· Postpaid Rs.20+tax/month (recursive)

Charges for PAYG module:

· PAYG (Do not Disturb) (any hour selection) – Rs.1+tax/request (for Prepaid only)

Do I need a special SIM or phone to subscribe to this service?

No. You do not need any special SIM or phone to subscribe to the VIP call service. This service can work on any standard mobile or smart phone.

How can I add personal secretary?

You can add personal secretary both via SMS and USSD.

Via SMS: You need to send ADD PS Number

Via USSD: You need to dial *847#

How many numbers can I add as my personal secretary?

Only one Jazz number can be your personal secretary.

Can I make offnet number also as my personal secretary?

No, you can only add Jazz number as your personal secretary

What will the responsibilities of personal secretary?

You all unwanted called will be transferred to your personal secretary.

What is the purpose of whitelisting any number?

Whitelisted number’s call will be directly transferred to you. They don’t need to enter pin code every time they call you.

How can I whitelist any number?

Send ADD WL NUMBER to 847 or dial *847#

How many numbers can be whitelisted?

You can add as much numbers as you want in your whitelist.

What is the purpose of blacklisting any number?

Blacklisted number’s call will only blocked from VIP call service subscriber’s number but also for his/her personal secretary number.

How can I blacklist any number?

Send AddBLNumber to 847 or dial *847#

How many numbers can I blacklist?

You can add as much numbers as you want in your blacklist.

How can I use Do not Disturb PAYG feature?

You can activate DND PAYG feature via both SMS and USSD.


If you want to activate DND for 12 hours:

Send DND 12

If you want to activate DND for 24 hours:

Send DND 24


Dial *847#

How can I deactivate Do not Disturb PAYG feature?

You can deactivate DND PAYG feature via both SMS and USSD.


USSD: Dial *847#

How can I unsubscribe the service?

You unsubscribe to this service by sending UNSUB to 847 or by dialing *847#.